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研究生项目 Applications

The Department accepts and evaluates 应用程序s for graduate work based upon GPA, GRE, cover letter and letters of recommendation. 所有 应用程序 材料 must be sent directly to the 研究生 School.  您的应用程序 is not considered 完整的 until the 研究生 School has received 所有 材料.

Department-specific 应用程序 information

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry requires 材料 in addition to those required by the 研究生 School. Decisions on the acceptance of a student into any of the graduate programs in Chemistry or Chemical Education are not made until all of the 材料 have been received.

The following 材料 are 要求 by all applicants. This information is also found by selecting the specific program at the 研究生 School website. Information about how to submit information to the 研究生 School can be found 在这里.

  • Prepare and 完整的 the 研究生 School online 应用程序.
  • Pay the 应用程序 fee to the 研究生 School.
  • Submit official GRE General Examination scores to the 研究生 School. GRE scores are 要求 of all applicants.
  • Send official copies of your transcripts to the 研究生 School.
  • Request three letters of recommendation be sent directly to the 研究生 School (Word文档; PDF). The letters of recommendation should be sent by the recommender directly to:  grad应用程序材料@3600151.com
  • Submit a cover letter to the 研究生 School. Your cover letter MUST include each of the following items. Alternatively, you may download and submit the student profile 形式(Word文档; PDF) to the 研究生 School:

The specific graduate degree to which you are applying (e.g.: M.S. Chemistry-研究-thesis 基础)
The faculty member(s) and research focus in which you are interested
Your goals after obtaining a graduate degree
How UNC will help you obtain your goals
Whether or not you wish to be considered for a teaching assistantship.

** If you wish to be considered for a teaching assistantship, please make sure that you indicate so in the cover letter (or profile form).

Department 应用程序 and notification deadlines

Applications are evaluated by the 研究生 School and the Department's 研究生 Committee.  Frequently asked questions about the graduate programs in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry can be found at the 常见问题页面.

Applications are considered for admission in either the Fall or Spring semesters only. No 应用程序s will be considered for Summer admission. Specific details about each semester are outlined below:

For priority consideration, 完成 应用程序s must be received by the 研究生 学校 1月15日. Acceptance and support information will be sent to successful applicants by 3月1日. Applications received after 1月15日 will be reviewed after these and a decision typically made after the priority considerations have been 完成. 通常,这些 decisions will be made within 4 weeks of submission of the 完成 应用程序.

Spring admission:
Admission for the Spring semester is uncommon, but is possible. For consideration of admission in the Spring semester, 应用程序s MUST be 完整的 by 11月10日. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis typically within 4 weeks of the receipt of the 完成 应用程序.  Any 应用程序s for spring admission that are 完成 after that date will be handled as Fall admission 应用程序s.

Summer admission:
Admission to start a graduate program in Chemistry or Chemical Education in the Summer semester is not considered. All 应用程序s requesting summer admission will be deferred to the Fall or Spring semester as appropriate based upon the date the 完成 应用程序 is received.